Bifidus Aktif - Lost in the Plastic Cup

Hudební styl:
- 01 Demo + Cease - Ladies Nights (VIP) (Human Imprint)
- 00 (Bad Company + Trace - Nitrous (Bad Company))
- 02 Sparfunk + Shimon - The Smoker (Audio Porn)
- 03 L Plus - Middle East Sun (Viper)
- 00 (Optiv + Bulletproof - Camouflage (1210))
- 04 Trei + Dose + Manace - Valium Express (Commercial Suicide)
- 05 Culture Shock - The Bypass (Ram)
- 06 Optical - Electric Music (Virus)
- 07 Teebee + Future Prophecies - Let The Bass Kick (Subtitles)
- 08 State Of Mind - Only Way Out (BC Presents)
- 09 Culture Shock - Zeppeline (Ram)
- 10 Brookes Brothers + Futurebound - Dawn Treader (Breakbeat Kaos)
- 11 Spor + Evun + Evol Intent - Levitate (Lifted)
- 00 (Bad Company - Planet Dust (Bad Company))
- 12 Universal Project + Vicious Circle - Hellrazor (Universal Project)
- 00 (Phace - Open Your Eyes (Subtitles))
- 13 Silent Witness - Atlanta (Critical)
- 14 Konflict - Messiah (Noisia remix) (Renegade Hardware)
- 15 Sub Focus - Druggy (Ram)
- 16 Dom + Roland - Imagination (Kemal + Rob Data remix) (Moving Shadow)
- 17 Faith In Kaos - Possesion (Kemal + Rob Data remix) (Outbreak)
- 18 Corrupt Souls + Hyx - 1138 (BSE)
- 19 Sigma - Dawn Alarm (Viper)
- 20 Noisia - Facade (VIP) (Ram)
- 21 Moving Fusion - Turbulence (Ram)
- 22 Brookes Brothers - F Zero (Breakbeat Kaos)
- 23 Matrix + Shimon - Dirty 5th (Audio Porn)
- 24 Culture Shock + Brookes Brothers - Rework (Ram)
- 25 Matrix + Futurebound - Womb (Metro vs Viper)
- 26 Pendulum - Still Grey (Timeless)
- 27 Unknown Error - Struggle (Moving Shadow)
- 28 Stakka + Skynet - Pathogen (Audio Blueprint)
- 00 Alix Perez + Sabre - Solitary Natives (Shogun Audio LTD)